Some pills from a book which has been illustrated by me and @massimo.manzi.maxoncanvas for @typimedia_editore.
Some pills from a book which has been illustrated by me and @massimo.manzi.maxoncanvas for @typimedia_editore.

It's named 'GAETA E IL MARE. DAL MITO AI GIORNI NOSTRI' (Gaeta and the sea. From myth to these days), as it narrates the story of this Tirrenean small town through 20 short tales written by Antonio Tiso.
The book is aimed at primary school pupils, and so are the illustrations. Monuments and hidden gems in Gaeta speak proudly of a thousand-year history, rooted in legends and classical myths, which emerge into modern and contemporary facts.
The book is aimed at primary school pupils, and so are the illustrations. Monuments and hidden gems in Gaeta speak proudly of a thousand-year history, rooted in legends and classical myths, which emerge into modern and contemporary facts.